Purpose |
To provide an international forum for discussion on matters of common interest among professional geoscience organizations, and to encourage all geoscientists to strive for and maintain excellence in geoscience professionalism. Professional geoscience organization for the purposes of these terms of reference is defined as an organization having an enforceable code of ethics, minimum knowledge and experience registrant membership requirements, and a commitment to continuing professional development among their registrants/members. |
Objectives |
The GGP Organization commits to the following objectives: |
To provide information that will result in a greater understanding of the role and importance of geoscience professionalism |
To facilitate greater understanding and collaboration between geoscience professional organizations globally |
To document and disseminate information on geoscience professional organization standards, codes, continuing professional development, and complaints and discipline, and |
To provide greater clarity concerning pathways and assessment criteria for those seeking to attain professional qualifications. |
Functions and Responsibilities |
To engage and seek participation on topics of geoscience professionalism from geoscience communities in all countries globally |
To obtain and maintain data on common professional geoscience organization registration/membership requirements, registrant/member obligations, and organization discipline practises |
To provide knowledge transfer to interested countries and geoscientist communities around the world seeking to introduce systems of professional governance and self-regulation in geoscience |
To provide geoscientists in all areas of professional practice and at all stages of their careers with practical guidance and support on professional matters, including (but not restricted to):
To act as a resource for material on professional practice and registration matters. |
Composition / Organization |
Membership will be open to all national or international professional geoscience organizations, or bodies representing such organizations. |
Member appointees to the Global Geoscience Professionalism (GGP) Organization may be either representative professional geoscientists or staff from member organizations, with one member-vote per member organization. |
Observer organisations as invited by the GGP. |
Observer organisations do not have voting rights. |
Resolutions will be based on a simple majority of votes from representatives of member organisations present at each meeting, or by electronic means by a specified due date. |
The GGP Organization membership shall elect:
Terms shall each be for two years, with the ability to extend a term for two years with the approval of the membership. |
Status and Authority |
The Chair will provide summary meeting notes to the membership following each meeting, with a copy to the host organization. Summary meeting notes will be maintained and archived by the host organization. |
Decisions will be reached by a simple majority vote of members present at each meeting, or, upon the call of the Chair, by electronic means by a specified due date. |
Frequency and Conduct of Meetings |
Meetings will be held at least twice per annum, at the call of the Chair, or more often if required. |
Meetings will be held electronically. |
Should an opportunity arise where five or more members are attending an in-person event, a meeting may be arranged during the in-person event, at the discretion of the Chair, as long as the opportunity is provided for all other members to attend electronically. |
Outcome and Deliverables |
Greater global communication and understanding between professional geoscience organizations. |
Improved availability of information about professionalism and professional obligations across the broader global geoscience community. |
Easily accessible and current information about professional geoscience and the requirements for professional registration and certification for geoscientists. |
An annual summary report provided by the Chair to all member associations no later than the end of February of year following the most recently completed calendar year. |
Review of the Terms of Reference |
These Terms of Reference shall be reviewed at a minimum every five years by the membership, revised as appropriate, and as approved by the majority of the membership. |