About us

Purpose & Objectives

The Global Geoscience Professionalism Group was founded by its Members to provide an international forum for discussion on matters of common interest among professional geoscience organizations, and to encourage all geoscientists to strive for and maintain excellence in geoscience professionalism.

Professional geoscience organization for the purposes of the Group’s terms of reference is defined as an organization having an enforceable code of ethics, minimum knowledge and experience registrant membership requirements, and a commitment to continuing professional development among their registrants/members.


To provide information that will result in a greater understanding of the role and importance of geoscience professionalism

To facilitate greater understanding and collaboration between geoscience professional organizations globally

To document and disseminate information on geoscience professional organization standards, codes, continuing professional development, and complaints and discipline, and

To provide greater clarity concerning pathways and assessment criteria for those seeking to attain professional qualifications.



GGPG Executive

Tania Marshall, Pr.Sci.Nat., Chair
Michelle Hailonga, Geo.Sci.Nam, Chair Elect
Kaylene Camuti, RPGeo., Past Chair
Andrea Waldie, P.Geo., FGC, Treasurer
Julio Santos, Secretary